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Minster CEO Neil Hosken Helps Sport Relief & Our Juniors

BOLA Manufacturing, the Bristol based company with more than 30 years of designing, manufacturing and supplying cricket bowling machines to clubs, schools, professional counties and international teams across the world has donated £1,100 to Sport Relief.

The donation has been made following a twitter based auction for the first from the production line of their brand new BOLA Junior bowling machine, which has been designed specifically for the development of young cricketers to help them to achieve their batting potential.

BOLA Junior can be used anywhere from the back garden to give keen young players accurate and reliable deliveries to hit, to the the worlds best indoor cricket centres to be used by professional coaches to deliver high quality sessions for emerging young players.

The winning donation was made by Neil Hosken of Minster Cricket Club on the Isle of Sheppey, who bid £1,100 for the BOLA Junior.

Neil recently visited BOLA HQ and was given a full demonstration of its capabilities and functions, which include speeds of up to 65 mph, random delivery selection and automatic feed by BOLA Product Ambassador and former England and Gloucestershire Cricketer Mark Alleyne.

The auction was held on the BOLA twitter account @BolaBallMachine over the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Sport Relief weekend, bidders had to tag the @sportrelief twitter account and use the hashtag #BOLAJunior so everyone bidding could easily track and react to the current high bid. Neil Hosken, CEO of Minster Cricket Club commented:

“Since taking delivery of our BOLA Junior we've seen significant increases in the levels of batting confidence of all our young cricketers, which allows them to practice more shots more often, score more runs and ultimately enjoy playing cricket.

Nye Williams, MD of BOLA Manufacturing said:

“We're delighted that we've managed to raise over £1,000 for Sport Relief from the twitter auction of the new BOLA Junior, we're sure that money will be put to great use by the charity. We're also over the moon that the young cricketers of Minster Cricket Club will all be able to benefit from their new BOLA Junior, we'll be keeping an eye out for record breaking scores this summer!”

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