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MCC & The Co-Op Local Community Fund

It's yet another funding success story for Minster Cricket Club as we have been selected as one of the three local causes in the Co-Op's Local Community Fund.

For the next 6 months, every time Co-op members buy Co‑op branded products and services, from buying a loaf of bread to planning a funeral, 1% of their spend goes to a local cause, like ours. For the 6 months we’re part of the fund the money builds up. Throughout the 6 months, members can choose which cause their contribution goes to. We have already been kickstarted by the Co-Op with an amazing £617.00! We’ll receive our funding at the end, if members don't choose a cause during the 6 months they'll share the contribution they've built up equally between the causes in our community.

Find out how you can help our cause at

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