Nominate us as a TSB Local Charity Partner!
You may have seen many of the great fundraising projects we have been doing over the past few months. All of which are now either complete or in the pipeline. We are now lining up our next venture, but for this one we need the help of our members!
TSB Sheerness get to elect one Local Charity Partner every year. They carry out fundraising events on their behalf and promote the cause in their branch for the entire year. To be nominated, Minster Cricket Club needs 5 minutes of your time to complete a quick online nomination form for us to be their next charity partner!
TSB branches across the country will choose a local cause which matters to them, their customers and their communities. Since 2015 their branches and sites have partnered with nearly 1,000 local causes. Each TSB Partner can volunteer for eight hours each year during their working day.
You can nominate Minster Cricket Club to be a TSB Local Charity Partner for their 2017/2018 programme. The closing date is 5pm on Wednesday 24 May 2017. Then, each branch will choose its new charity partner from the three eligible organisations in their area that receive the most nominations. The new Local Charity Partner will then be announced on 4 September 2017.
What you need to do:
Click on the link below and complete the form using the following details:
Full name of independent local organisation: Minster (Sheppey) Cricket Club
Registered Charity Number: (Leave blank)
Organisation's Email Address:
Best person to contact: Callum Hughes
Organisation's phone number: 07881537716
What does the organisation do: We'll leave this up to you! Why do you think we are so great at improving the lives of people in our local community!?
Organisation's Postcode: ME12 3QU
Select the Sheerness Branch, note that we deliver our services locally and hit submit!